Taking care of your electronic communication easily is quiteessential, so if you make a a business or a personal web site and you need to exchange e-mail messages with partners or acquaintances, you should make sure that you've got easy access to all options that an e-mail service has to contain. Just a few examples are: auto-responders, e-mail forwarding and mailing lists, as these attributes are very handy for your email communication. You can save lots of time and efforts, particularly if you don't have much practical experience but you would still like to employ e-mails with your private domain instead of a generic third-party email service. Private email addresses will appear a lot more convenient and reputable when you get in touch with prospective clients.

Advanced E-mail Manager in Shared Web Hosting

With the amazing Email Manager tool that you will receive as a part of our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel provided you purchase a shared web hosting plan, you'll conveniently have all of the email features that you may ever need in one place and only several clicks away. When you access the tool, you'll be able to see all the mailboxes that you have for your domain names and whether any of them is a catch-all one or it features forwarding and / or anti-spam protection. These functions are enabled or disabled as handily as clicking a button. More complex features, for example setting up SPF protection, are accessible through instant access buttons as well as right-click pop-up menus. You can also gain access to the webmail for any mailbox or download an auto-setup file for Outlook, Thunderbird and Apple Mail from the very same section. Our Email Manager is intuitive enough to be employed by people with minimum experience and it comes with a lot of elaborate help articles. Last, but not least, it includes options for more advanced users as well and it can save you time and efforts even for more complicated tasks.

Advanced E-mail Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With our Linux semi-dedicated services, you will be able to access any feature related to your email addresses with just a few clicks. The Hepsia Control Panel, that comes with all our website hosting accounts, allows you to benefit from a feature-rich Email Manager tool where you are able to view and maintain your mailboxes - connect to the webmail, download auto-configuration files for Apple Mail and Outlook, set up a catch-all mailbox or turn on anti-spam protection. For more experienced clients, there're features such as SPF protection and email lists, which are a click away, too. With right-click pop-up menus and fast access links, you'll get total control of all sorts of things from a single place and with a really intuitive interface. This can save you plenty of time and it will make the administration of your e-mail addresses really easy.