Python is a widely used general-purpose, object-oriented computer programming language which is used to build different web apps. It's popular with a great number of developers because it is user-friendly and it offers crystal clear syntax, not mentioning that by employing modules, you'll be able to use much less computer code in order to execute a given task as compared to many other programming languages. This way, you will spend considerably less time and efforts in order to create the code that you need. The modules are small sets of variables and subroutines which execute a particular action and they can be called in a custom script, which means that you can use only 1 line of code instead of writing the entire code for that action. Python is employed for a wide range of programs for example CGI scripts, RSS readers, database control interfaces, data processing tools, etc.

Python in Shared Web Hosting

In case you have a shared web hosting account through our company, you're able to add Python-based web apps or CGI scripts to your websites and add more features that your site visitors will use. The mod_python module for Apache web servers can be found on our cloud web hosting platform, so the Python code will be interpreted and run without a problem. You decide if you will use only your own program code, only third-party code which you find on other sites or you will use ready-made modules and install them in your own code for a custom-built solution that will fully satisfy your requirements in terms of what functions your site has to provide to the end users. Using Python along with other website development languages, you can build a really unique website.